The Only Good Dragon : Part 1

Bad Day in Utah

Trafton Crandall
5 min readJun 13, 2022
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley.

But they’re sure as hell here now, U.S. Army scout Jed Dixon thought as he raced on his black thoroughbred horse Dixie past the ancient buttes and across the red sandstone wastes that were the hallmark of Monument Valley, Utah

Jed glanced up at the sky. It was high noon, and the sun blazed out of an clear azure blue sky without pity or remorse for any living thing. It was so hot that even the rattlesnakes had taken the day off.

Jed leaned forward in his saddle and patted Dixie’s head. He whispered into her ear.

“Come on, girl,” Jed implored his trusted mount and faithful companion through many a long, hot day and dark, cold night on the trail.

“Just five more miles, Dixie. There’s only five more miles to Fort Sheridan. Come on, girl. You can do it. You can do it.”

Dixie galloped forward with a burst of new energy, her nostrils flared and her lungs snorted out hot air with the force of a blast furnace as her hooves stroke into the rocky ground of the canyon floor raising choking clouds of red dust that streamed into Jed’s dirt caked face and threatened to blind him.

Jed stole a quick glance back over his right shoulder, and although he didn’t yet…



Trafton Crandall

I write articles on Mental Health and the Craft of Writing with some Fiction and Poetry on the side.